Monday, January 24, 2011

mee udang (resepi)

1 peket mee
300g udang besar
4 sudu cili kisar*
4 ulas bawang merah + 3 ulas bwg putih*
1 sudu udang kering*
1/2 inci halia*
1 sudu petis (blh ganti dengan belacan yg dibakar & dikisar lumat)
3 sudu sos tomato & 1 sudu sos cili
keledek/kentang yg direbus & lenyek (untuk pekatkan kuah)\
gula + garam
taugeh & sawi
daun bawang & bawang goreng

1)rebus udang smp masak,tapis,kluakan udang.air rebusan jgn dibuang.

2)tumis cili yg sudah diblend dgn bhn bertand * smp garing.

3)masukkan air rebusan udang, biar kuah mendidih, masukkan sos tomato, sos cili & petis. reneh kuah.

4)masukkan garam & gula.kemudian masukkan keledek yg telah dilenyek.

note:biarkan kuah atas api..lebih lama direneh,lebih sedap

selamat mencuba!!!

lontong aka kuah lodeh

ingredient: (sayuran)
kacang panjang
cili merah (untuk hiasan)
suhun & fu cuk

bhn blend:
5 biji cili merah+cili padi
5 ulas bwg merah + 2 ulas bwg putih
3 tangkai serai

bhn lain:
udang/ayam (ikut cita rasa masing2)
santan pekat 2 cawan

1) panaskan minyak,tumis bahan blend sampai pecah minyak & wangi.

2)masuk sayur yg keras dahulu.jika guna ayam,goreng separuh masak kemudian racik isi dia..masak sekali dengan sayur yg keras sehingga empuk baru masukkan sayur yg lembut seperti fu cuk & suhun.reneh sehingga semua sayur lembut.

selamat mencuba!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

banana pot stickers

pic before bake

hi peeps,it quite a long time im not updating my blog with new recipe..rather busy with examination & assignment doing last minute :p my new year filled with lots of exciting parents come over together with my lovely sis for her enrollment at Manchester uni. okay than, don't want to bubbling so much, i would like to share with u my new invention which i call banana pot stickers..haha

just roll pastry sheet
dark chocolate
3tbspn butter
2tbspn sugar

1) melt the butter together with dark chocolate until u get smooth & creamy chocolate mixture in a medium temperature or else u can melt it in microwave for about 2 minute.don't let the chocolate cooked for long period of will ruined the chocolate texture.

2)mashed bananas with sugar.then pour 1 tbspn of mashed bananas onto the pastry sheet. drizzle melted chocolate onto the mashed bananas and cover with another pastry sheet.bake for about 2 minute or until the pastry turns to golden brown.

happy trying!!!