Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Peanut Butter Truffle Mousse Cheesecake


  1. 2 cups crushed peanut butter Oreos (approx. half a pack)
  2. ¼ cup butter, melted


  1. 4 (8oz) sticks of cream cheese, room temperature
  2. 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar
  3. 4 eggs
  4. 3/4 cup heavy cream
  5. 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Peanut Butter Truffle Mousse

  1. 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  2. 2/3 cup peanut butter
  3. 1 tablespoon milk
  4. 2 cups powdered sugar
  5. 2 tubs (or 1 large tub) Cool Whip
  6. Reese’s Cups (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Wrap a 9 inch springform pan in heavy duty foil.
  2. Mix together crushed Oreos and melted butter and press into the bottom of your pan and up the sides. Bake for 7 minutes and cool on a wire rack.
  3. Boil a large pot of water for the water bath.
  4. In the bowl of your mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the sugar and cream cheese and cream together until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time making sure to scrape down the bowl in between each egg. Add heavy cream and vanilla and mix until creamy and smooth.
  5. Pour batter into prepared crust. Place pan into a larger pan and pour boiling water into the larger pan until halfway up the side of the cheesecake pan.
  6. Bake 45 to 55 minutes until the edges appear to be set. The center will still have some jiggle to it. Close the oven door, turn the heat off, and let rest in the cooling oven for 1 hour.
  7. After 1 hour has passed, remove the cheesecake from the water bath and place on a cooling rack to cool completely. Once the cake is completely cooled, chill for at least 5 hours (overnight is better).

The next morning…

  1. In the bowl of your mixer combine cream cheese, peanut butter and milk until smooth.
  2. Slowly beat in powdered sugar then fold in the Cool Whip.
  3. Spoon over the cheesecake then chill at least 3 hours. Garnish with peanut butter cups.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

red velvet cake 2

original recipe:

Kek (Sila guna penyukat khas)
  • 2 1/2 cup tepung kek
  • 1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik diayak
  • 2 sudu besar serbuk koko tanpa pemanis (biasanya guna van houten)
  • 2 oz pewarna merah (kalau xtau sukat dlm oz, campurkan dengan serbuk koko sampai boleh jadi pes pun cukup)
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 1/2 cup gula
  • 2 biji telur pada suhu bilik
  • 1 sudu kecil ekstrak vanila/ 2 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 1 cup buttermilk pada suhu bilik. kalau xdpt beli kat kedai, resipinye ade di bawah
  • 1 sudu kecil cuka putih
  • 1 sudu kecil sodium bikarbonat/baking soda
  • 1 cup (240 ml) susu kotak full cream
  • sama ada 1 3/4 sbesar cream of tartar atau 1 sbesar cuka putih atau 1 sbesar jus lemon
Cream cheese frosting
  • 2 buku cream cheese, dilembutkan
  • 1/2 cup butter dilembutkan
  • 1 sudu kecil ekstrak vanila/ 2 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 2 cup gila icing, diayak. kalau xsuke manis boleh kurangkan gula tp saya guna 2 1/2 cup


  1. BUTTERMILK: campurkan tartar atau cuka atau jus lemon pada susu dan biarkan selama 15 minit. Kacau rata sebelum guna. Ataupun campurkan 3/4 cup plain yoghurt bersama 1/4 cup susu pun boleh jugak. Ikut mane yang sesuai.
  2. KEK: sapukan butter pada 2 loyang bulat bersaiz 9 inci ataupun 3 loyang bulat bersaiz 8 inci. Panaskan oven pada suhu 170 darjah celsius.
  3. Ayakkan bersama tepung kek dan serbuk penaik di dalam satu bekas sederhana. Di dalam satu bekas kecil, gaulkan serbuk koko dengan pewarna merah sehingga menjadi pes yang tidak berketul.
  4. Dalam satu bekas besar, pukul butter dengan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu per satu, kemudian masukan esen vanila dan pes koko merah tadi. Ratakan campuran dengan spatula sambil memukul. Perlahankan mixer, masukkan 1/3 daripada tepung dan pukul rata, kemudian masukkan 1/2 daripada buttermilk, pukul rata lagi. Masukkan 1/3 lagi tepung,pukul dan semua buttermilk,pukul dan kemudian kesemua tepung yang tinggal.
  5. Campurkan cuka dengan baking soda dalam satu bekas kecil. Nanti die berbuih. Cepat2 campurkan dalam adunan kek dan gaul kemudian masukkan dalam loyang dan bakar.
  6. Bakar pada suhu 170 darjah celsius selama 25-30 minit. Kek ni moist, so kene cek awal. Bile cucuk dengan lidi je dah bersih, keluarkan dari oven.
  7. Sejukkan kek selama 10 minit sebelum keluarkan dari loyang. Pastikan kek dah betul2 sejuk sebelum letak frosting.
  8. CREAM CHEESE FROSTING: Pukul butter dengan cream cheese sampai halus, perlahankan mixer dan tambahkan gula icing dan esen vanila.
  9. Untuk letak frosting, terbalikkan kek pertama supaya bahagian kek yang rata di atas, sapu frosting di bahagian rata kek,lagi tebal lagi sedap. kemudian letakkan kek yang kedua atas kek tadi, bahagian yang rata menghadap bawah. kemudian sapu frosting di seluruh kek.
  10. Kek ni sedap kalau dah masuk dalam peti sejuk lepas tu keluarkan sekejap bagi die xkeras, baru makan.

nasi ayam hainan

original recipe:

1 whole chicken
1 tbspn soy sauce
2 tbspn honey
1 tspn salt
1/2 tsp ground white pepper
1/2 tsp 5 spice powder
1 tbsp ginger (from grated ginger)
1 1/2 liters chicken stock or 3 tbp chicken stock granules dissolved in 1 1/2 liters warm water
1-2 baby cucumbers, thickly sliced to garnish

2 springs coriander leaves, to garnish


4 red finger-length chillies

2 cloves garlic, peeled

3 cm young ginger, peeled and sliced

1 1/2 tsp fresh lime juice

1 tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

5 tbsp chicken stock or water


400 g raw long grain rice (2 cups)

1 1/2 tbsp oil

1 1/2 cm ginger, peeled and sliced

4 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 tsp salt


150 g watercress, coarsely shredded, or thinly sliced Chinese cabbage

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

for chicken(hani style):

marinate chicken with blend ginger,oyster sauce,a pinch of salt, nandos peri-peri sauce for at least 1 hour or overnight for more taste.then steam until chicken fully cooked

Monday, June 20, 2011


recipe credit to:

Bahan-bahan (30 keping bergantung pada saiz):
110gm gula aising
65gm serbuk badam (ground almond)
13gm serbuk koko
60gm putih telur - dalam 2 biji
20gm gula kastor
secubit cream of tartar

filling (boleh dipelbagaikan ikut kegemaran masing2):
120gm cream cheese
1 camb jus lemon
2 camb gula aising
1 camb whipping cream
parutan kulit lemon dari 1 biji lemon

  • ayakkan gula aising, serbuk badam dan serbuk koko
  • ketepikan
  • pukul putih telur dengan cream of tartar sehingga berbuih
  • masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil dipukul sehingga gebu dan kembang (apabila diangkat dengan spatula adunan tidak mudah jatuh)
  • kaupbalikkan adunan tepung sedikit demi sedikit sebanyak 4 kali sehingga sebati
  • masukkan adunan ke dalam piping bag
  • dengan menggunakan 5mm nozzle pipekan adunan ke atas dulang pembakar yang telah digris atau dilapik dengan non-stick paper sebesar 2.5cm (lihat gambar)
  • lakukan sehingga habis
  • setelah itu hentakkan dulang pembakar tadi untuk mengeluarkan angin
  • ketepikan selama 1 jam supaya adunan mengeras
  • kemudian bakar pada suhu 150C selama 15 min atau sehingga keras
  • biarkan sejuk sebelum di angkat dari dulang dan diisikan dengan filling
  • untuk membuat filling: ayakkan dulu gula aising
  • kemudian satukan semua bahan dan pukul sehingga sekadar sebati
  • simpan di dalam fridge lebih kurang 1 jam sebelum digunakan

notes & tips: guna pisau yang tajam untuk kikiskan dari dulang pembakar atau non-stick paper dan hati2 kerana ianya mudah rapuh. sebaik2nya lapikkan dulang pembakar dengan non-stick paper/parchment paper supaya senang untuk diangkat. remove macaroons from the parchment paper - they should be removed as soon as they come from the oven. you will need to create moisture under the cookies. carefully loosen the parchment paper , lifting the paper, pour a little hot water under the paper. The water may bubble and steam. allow the macaroons to remain on the parchment for about 20 seconds, then peel the macaroons off the paper and place them on a cooling rack

Laduree Chocolate Macarons

credit to:Recipe credit Ph. Andrieu (Laduree)
translated by Gerri Davis


275 grams powdered sugar
140 grams powdered almonds
4 egg whites
25 grams cocoa powder
325 grams bitter chocolate
300 grams heavy creme
75 grams butter (unsalted)


-Mix almonds sugar and cocoa powder in food processor until you have a smooth fine powder

-Place the eggwhites in the powder. Beat rapidly and delicately with a wooden spoon to obtain a homogenous mixture

-With a wooden spatula, stir downward toward the middle of the mixture and back up the sides of the again, constantly turning the bowl, until the mixture is even, light and fluid.

-Using a parchment bag with about a 1cm tip (as you would for icing), squeeze the small macarons on wax paper.

-cook for 11-12 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees on a baking sheet, leaving the door slightly ajar. (I'm not sure what they are called but you should use a sheet that is insulated with an inner air layer)

-remove from the oven and with the aide of a glass, slip some water between the wax paper and the baking sheet while gently lifting off the macarons. The water vapor will allow them to release from the paper when they cool.

-Pour the creme over the finely chopped bitter chocolate. Add butter at a temp of at least 60 degrees C (104F). Let sit and cool to ambient temperature. The original doesn't say to mix, but I'm assuming you need to blend to make the ganache.

-garnish the macaron shells with a layer of ganache about 3/4 millimeters thick and sandwich the two halves together.

-Advice: Let the macarons chill in the refrigerator for 24 hours before eating (if you have the will, it is REALLY worth it!)

This recipe is really delicate, but incredibly delicious!

Read More

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mexican Bun

Sumber: Lilydvalley

Bahan-bahan ( 17 biji bun )

200 gm mentega
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
70 gm brown sugar

200 gm mentega
160 gm gula icing
3 biji telur grade A- pukul sedikit
1 suduk kecil perisa kopi- boleh diganti dgn melarutkan 2 sudu besar instant coffee dengan 1 sudu besar air panas.
200 gm tepung gandum

Doh Roti
500 gm tepung berprotin tinggi- di ayak
2 sudu kecil bread improver+ 2 sudu kecil bread softener ( optional)
20 gm susu tepung
75 gm gula castor
3 sudu kecil dry yeast
1 sudu kecil garam
1 biji telur- dipukul
250 ml air/ susu segar ( Jgn gunakan susu tepung sekiranya menggunakan susu segar).
60 gm mentega

Cara-cara Filling- Pukul mentega dgn mixer pada kelajuan sederhana selama 3 minit. Masukkan essence & gula perang. Simpan di dalam petisejuk sehingga sedia untuk digunakan.

Topping- Putar mentega dgn mixer pada kelajauan sederhana selama 5 minit. Perlahan2 masukkan telur,gula icing, & coffee flavoring. Ayakkan tepung kedalam adunan and putar lagi pada kelajuan perlahan sehingga semua sebati. Simpan didalam petisejuk sehingga sedia utk digunakan.

Doh Roti

1. Gaul rata tepung, gula dan garam didalam mangkuk.
2. Masukkan yeast, bread improver & bread softener ( jika menggunakannya) dan gaul rata lagi.
3. Masukkan telur dan air/susu segar.
Uli adunan sehingga menjadi adunan dan masukkan mentega. Uli lagi sehingga lembut & elastik selama 10-15 minit.
4.Bahagikan dough kpd 17 biji bola kecil dan tutup dgn film cling selama 10 min.
5.Leperkan dough di atas tapak tgn & letakkan inti/filling. Tutup rapat supaya inti tidak meleleh keluar sewaktu dibakar.
6.Susun diatas loyang pembakar yg sudah dilenser dgn mentega/minyak/tepung dan jarakkan 7.5 cm.
7.Rehatkan selama 45 min ditempat panas (warm).
8.Pipe kan topping diatas bun secara spiral bermula dari top center.
9.Bakar didlm oven yg telah dipanaskan pada suhu 170C selama 15 min atau sehingga bun keperangan

Thursday, June 16, 2011


original recipe:

  • 1 1/2 cwn tepung
  • 2 1/2 cwn dashi leh terdpt kat jusco kat bhgn makanan jepun
  • 2 biji telur

    satukan sume bhn sampai sebati ketepikan sedia tuk dmasak

    • Tako atau englishnyer octopus atau melayunyer sotong kurita hihihi.. :P atau isi ketam atau udang atau ayam tp guna tako paling best lah kan celur dgn air mendidih dulu.

    • Udang kering yg palinggg kecikkk sekalii tau yg warna merah tuuu

    • Daun Bawang nak letak bykkkk pun boleh

    • Benishoga atau jeruk halia

    • Tenkasu nii lam english n melayu tak tahu nak kata apa yg pasti saki baki gorengan tepung buat tenpura k :-) tak letak ni mmg tak sedap atau tak lengkap rasa takoyaki tu hihihi...

    >>caranyerr.. tuang batter td dlm acu yg dah d letak minyak sayuran paling best guna minyak jagunglah kasi lagi sehat hihii.... pas tu masuk tako setiap satu lubang tu nak masuk byk mana pun tak kisah, pas tu taburkan dgn bhn2 lain..agak2 mcm dah masak bawahnyer leh lah main golek2 kan takoyaki tu tadi, semasa proses ni pastikan tuang minyak jagung tu lagi sampai mcm bunyiii kita goreng ikan bilis tuuuu ...pas tu balik2 kan lagi sampailah perang dan masak...

pau (read bean)

original recipe:

Bahan A

  • 300g Tepung Hong Kong>>yg ni kita tak de gantikan tepung pau
  • 150g Susu>> susu segar
  • 50g Gula caster
  • 1 1/2 Tbs Shortening
  • 1 tsp yis
  • Sedikit garam

Bahan B

1 tsp Double Acting Baking Powder + 1 tbs Air

Bahan2 Inti>>yg ni kita guna inti kaya

480g Inti Kacang merah readymade, bulat2kan inti td anggaran berat 30g sehingga habis dan ketepikan.


  • Satukan semua bahan A dan uli sehingga licin tak melekat di tangan. Tutup dgn tuala lembap atau cling wrap dan penaikkan doh 2 kali ganda(lebih kurang 45min-1jam).
  • Satukan pula bhn B dan uli doh kembali sehingga sebati dan licin. Rehatkan lagi selama 15 min sebelum dibentukkan bulat.
  • Kemudian, bahagikan doh kepada 16 bhgn iaitu berat setiap 1 anggaran 35g.
  • Isikan dgn inti merah tadi atau inti kesukaan dan tutup doh rapat2 utk mengelakkan inti terkeluar semasa mengukus nanti. Buat sampai habis dan susunkan di atas tray pengukus.
  • Rehatkan kembali lebih kurang 30minit.
  • Panaskan air kukusan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengukus pau.
  • Apabila air kukusan telah mendidih, kukuskan doh yg telah disusnkan didalam tray td dgn menggunakan api yg besar selama 10 minit dan renggangkan sedikit penutup pengukus dan biarkan lagi selama 5minit. Tutupkan api dan biarkan sebentar di dalam pengukus lebih kurang 3-5minit, hidangkan panas2.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

kuih lapis

original recipe:


  • 1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
  • 3 sudu besar tepung beras
  • 2 sudu besar tepung jagung
  • 1 cawan gula
  • 5 cawan santan
  • 1 sudu kecil garam
  • pewarna merah dan perisa rose
  • pewarna hijau dan air daun pandan

Cara Penyediaan
  1. Gaulkan semua bahan-bahan dan tapiskan.
  2. Bahagikan adunan kepada 2 bahagian.
  3. Masukkan perisa rose dan pewarna merah dalam 1 bahagian adunan dan biarkan warna putih dalam 1 bahagian lagi.
  4. Panaskan kukusan dan sapukan sedikit minyak pada loyang yang akan digunakan.
  5. Masukkan 1 senduk adunan merah dan kukus selama 5 minit.
  6. Lapiskan pula 1 senduk adunan putih dan kukus lagi selama 5 minit.
  7. Lapiskan lagi adunan merah dan putih berselang-seli hingga habis. (*bagi adunan terakhir, saya balut tudung periuk dengan kitchen towel agar air tidak menitis ke atas permukaan kuih dan dikukus dalam 20 minit ).
  8. Sejukkan dan bolehlah di potong dan di hidangkan

strawberry tiramisu

original recipe:

Bahan untuk syrup:(approx. dapat 4 cup )
150 g strawberry filling- i blend fresh strawberry with 1 tbspn sugar
80ml air suam-i used on half of it
sedikit parutan kulit lemon ~ optional

Bahan2 lain:
250g cream cheese
125g whipped cream
125g whipping cream
50g gula icing~ shiffted
1 peket biskut tiramisu (lady finger/sponge finger)
sedikit buah strawberry segar


1). Mula2 sediakan syrupnya. Campur kesemua bahan dan kacau sebati. Ketepikan.
2). Pukul cream cheese hingga gebu. Masukkan gula icing, pukul seketika.
3). Campurkan kedua2 whipped dan whipping cream. Pukul hingga agak pekat dan sebati.
4). Campurkan krim yang dipukul tadi ke dalam adunan cream cheese. Kacau dengan spatula hingga rata.
5). Cara untuk melapis : Mula2 letak sedikit syrup, kemudian susun biskut dan letak cream ke atasnya. Boleh juga susun buah jika ada. Ulang hingga adunan habis dan ikut suka nak berapa banyak layer pun.

* kalau xde whipped cream adjust dengan letak 250g whipping cream ** dlm adunan syrup tambah 1 sudu kecil gelatin (halalgel) dan panaskan kejap atas api (selepas dah bancuh semua bahan2) tu supaya gelatin tu larut (tujuan letak supaya syrup tu tak cair sgt) *** biskut tu celup sekejap dlm air bancuhan nescafe sebelum letak dlm cup

jelly kelapa

original recipe:

1 Paket agar2 serbuk (10g)
2.6l Air Kelapa>>Kak nor guna air drpd 3 biji kelapa
Isi kelapa muda
11 sb gula>>Terpulang ikut kemananisan masing2
3 Helai daun Pandan

**boleh tambahkan air sekiranyer air kelapa tak mencukup kehendak resepi

  • Masukkan air kelapa muda, serbuk agar2, gula dan daun pandan ke dalam periuk.
  • Masaklah hingga mendidih dan masukkan isi kelapa muda.
  • Padamkan api.
  • Biarkan sejuk sedikit dan boleh lah dimasukkan kedalam bekas yg disukai.
  • Sejukkan dlm peti ais dan bila dah sejuk bolehlah dimakan.
  • Monday, June 13, 2011

    chicken chop + black pepper sauce + coleslaw & whipped potato

    chicken chop ingredient:
    1/2 ekor ayam
    Marinate with:
    3 ulas bawang putih
    1 labu bawang besar
    sedikit halia
    3 sudu besar tomato puri
    1 sudu besar honey
    1 sudu besar sos tiram
    sedikit kicap pekat
    black pepper
    (kisar semua bahan di atas.then marinate dengan ayam sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam sblm masak.)

    Untuk menggoreng:
    sedikit tepung jagung
    1 biji telur di pukul sedikit
    sedikit bread crumb

    Cara2 membuatnya:

    1. Golek2kan ayam yang dah diperap dengan tepung jagung
    2. Kemudian salutkan pula ayam tersebut dengan telur
    3. Kemudian golek2 kan pula dengan bread crumb
    4. Goreng ayam dengan api yang kecil sebab nak bagi dalam dia masak betul2

    Bahan2 untuk membuat black pepper sauce:

    3 sudu marjerin
    5 sudu tepung gandum
    1/2 labu bawang besar-cincang
    2 ulas bawang putih-cincang
    sedikit black pepper (ikut citarasa sendiri)
    1 sudu besar sos tiram
    1 sudu besar sos tomato
    1 sudu besar sos barbeque
    2 sudu kicap pekat
    sedikit garam
    sedikit air/fresh milk

    Cara2 membuatnya:

    1.tumis bawang putih + bawang besar.
    2.Masukkan black pepper,sos tiram,sos tomato,sos barbeque and kicap pekat.
    3.Dalam periuk lain cairkan marjerin. campurkan tepung gandum. kacau rata hingga tidak berbintil2 (lump). kemudian masukkan ke dalam campuran bawang,sos and kicap tadi
    4. Biarkan mendidih
    5. Adjust kuah. kalau pekat sgt tambah kan air/fresh milk

    Bahan2 untuk membuat coleslaw:

    1 batang carrot
    1/4 biji kobis
    4 sudu besar Mayonis
    2 sudu besar sour cream
    sedikit lemon juice
    sedikit black pepper
    sedikit gula
    sedikit garam

    Cara2 membuatnya:

    1. Hiris nipis carrot + kobis.
    2. Gaulkan bersama semua bahan2 di atas dengan carrot + kobis tadi.
    3. Simpan di dalam fridge dulu before hidangkan.

    Bahan2 untuk membuat whipped potato:

    650 ml air
    2 kiub pati ayam
    4o gm butter/mentega
    1 labu bawang besar-hiris
    1 batang daun saderi-hiris
    20 gm tepung gandum
    1 sudu besar sos cili
    1 sudu besar sos tomato
    1 sudu besar sos tiram
    4 sudu besar fresh milk
    sedikit black pepper
    kicap pekat (warnakan kuah)

    Cara2 membuatnya:

    1. Rebus kiub ayam + air + bawang besar + saderi sampai mendidih...
    2. Tapis dalam mangkuk. Ambil airnya sahaja...
    3. Cairkan butter dalam periuk lain. Masukkan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit. Kacau rata supaya tak berbintil...
    4. Tuang air rebusan tadi sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam campuran butter + tepung tadi...
    5. Masukkan sos tomato,sos tiram,sos cili dan beberapa titik kicap pekat...
    6. Masukkan black pepper, fresh milk. Rasa kuah dahulu before masukkan garam..sebab kiub ayam tadi mmg dah sedia masin...
    7. Masak hingga kuah menjadi pekat...

    rebus kentang hingga empuk. Then kopek kulit .Lecekkan.kalau nak betul2 smooth. leh la guna blender.

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Chocolate Cream Cheese Eclair

    original recipe:

    Ingredients for choux pastry:-

    100g water
    80g fresh milk
    95g hard butter
    120g plain flour
    3 large eggs

    Chocolate Cream Cheese Filling:-
    250g Cream Cheese
    50g Icing sugar
    50g instant custard powder
    100g fresh milk
    120g melted chocolate
    180g whipped cream

    50g cooking chocolate
    11/2 tbsp butter
    11/2 tbsp fresh milk
    11/2 tbsp corn syrup
    All this double boil method

    1. Boil water, milk and butter in a pot till rolling boil.
    2.Pour in the plain flour immediately and stir vigourously with a wooden spoon.
    3. Leave paste to cool till lukewarm and transfer paste into mixing bowl.
    4. Beat with a 'K' beater , add in eggs one at a time till blended.
    5. Place mixture into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe a strip onto tray.(put greasefroof paper).
    6. Preheat oven.Bake at 190C for about 20 mins or till brown. Do not open the door while the pastry is baking or else it will collapse.

    For Fillings:-
    1. Cream cream cheese with icing sugar till creamy
    2. Mix instant custard powder with fresh milk.
    3. Pour in melted chocolate into cream cheese mixture and mix well.
    4. mix in instant custard powder mixture and then fold in whipped cream
    5. Slice puff intp half and then pipe chocolate cheese mixture onto it.
    6.Scoop a spoonful of chocolate decorations on top of eclair and then sprinkle sprinklers . You can sprinkle anything of your preference, eg. almond nibs or chocolate rice.

    chocolate cheese brownies

    original recipe:Ijan blogresepi.


    250g soft(room temperature) butter
    500g sugar (or use 430g as edited by Ijan)
    4 eggs
    300g wheat flour(I used plain flour)
    100g dark cocoa(powder)
    1tsp baking powder
    a dash of salt
    100g dark chocolate melted
    200g pecan, crushed coursely

    Cream Cheese Mixture
    100g soft(room temperature) butter
    300g naturel cream cheese ( I used Philadelphia Cream Cheese)
    150g sugar
    2 tbsp wheat flour(I used plain flour)
    2 eggs

    Prepare brownie mixture. Mix butter and sugar in a bowl. Add eggs one at time and whip between. Add wheat flour, dark cocoa, baking powder and salt (sift all this first). Melt the chocolate(double boiling) and let cool. Add in melted chcolate and the pecans in the mixture.
    Pour half of the mixture in the tray and start preparing the cheese mixture. Mix butter and naturel cream cheese. Add sugar, wheat flour and eggs and mix well. Pour it on the brownie layer and spread the rest of the brownie mixture on it. Bake at 175C degrees for 50-60 minutes, depending on how thick it is.

    oreo choc brownies



    225g/8oz butter
    240g cooking chocolate-(I used semi sweet chocolate)
    3 large eggs(I used 4 small eggs)
    1 tsp coffee powder( I used nescafe powder)
    1 tsp essence vanilla
    250g castor sugar(I used 200g)

    *60g flour
    *40g cocoa powder
    *1/2 tbsp Baking powder
    *1 tsp salt
    (*mixed together)

    11/2 packets oreo cookies-break and mix with 15g flour-(1 pack = 137g but no need so accurate)-(I used about 9 pieces)

    Melt chocolate and add butter. Stir till smooth. Whisk eggs, coffee powder, essence vanilla and sugar till smooth. Add in chocolate mixture and stir well. Fold in flour mixture until well mixed. Finally fold in oreos. Bake at 170c for 45 minutes.

    double chocolate brownies

    original recipe:


    237g melted butter
    11/4 cups white sugar-I used 1 cup also quite sweet already so please adjust ya.)
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    3/4 cup quality cocoa powder
    2 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/2 tsp salt
    11/4 cups flour
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
    1/2 cup chopped pecans

    Preheat oven to 175C. Grease 9x9 inch cake pan. Other sized cake pan can be substituted, but a larger pan will result in thinner brownies, so reduce the heat to 160C.
    Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in sugars, coca powder, eggs and vanilla. Once fully incorporated, add salt, flour and baking powder. Mix. Last add chocolate chips and nuts(if desired).
    Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until a knife inserted into centre comes out almost clean. Top should be crusty and sides should be separated from the pan.

    moist orange mocha brownies

    original recipe:http// &

    Bahan A :

    • 1 cawan butter cair / minyak masak
    • 1 cawan susu cair
    • 2 cawan gula perang
    • 1 cawan air panas
    • 1/2 - 1 sudu kecil nescafe - bancuh dengan air panas diatas
    • 2 - 3 sudu besar sunquick orange
    Bahan B : (kacau rata) - guna whisk
    • 1 sudu kecil esen vanilla
    • 2 biji telur gred B
    Bahan C : ( ayakkan )
    • 2 cawan tepung gandum
    • 1 cawan serbuk koko
    • 1 sudu kecil baking powder
    • 1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
    Cara - cara :
    1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 175'C selama 10 minit.
    2. Kacau bahan A supaya sebati.
    3. Masukkan bahan B dan kacau rata.
    4. Masukkan bahan C dan gaulkan supaya sebati.
    5. Lapikkan kertas dalam loyang 10x 10 inci.
    6. Bakar selama 45 - 50 minit.
    7. Sejukkan kek dan salutkan dengan kerim coklat.
    Chocolate Topping
    • 250 gm coklat masakan-(Ayu gunakan milk chocolate)
    • 1 sudu besar butter
    • 1 sudu kecil susu cair-(Ayu gunaakn 4 sudu kecil)
    Cara-cara untuk topping :
    1. Panaskan coklat dalam periuk / bekas secara double boil.
    2. Bila coklat telah cair tutup api dan campurkan butter. Kacau sebati.
    3. Masukkan susu cair dan kacau lagi.
    4. Salutkan pada kek dan hias mengikut kesukaan.

    Dulce de Leche Brownies

    original recipe:-From


    8 tablespoons salted or unsalted butter, cut into pieces-(Ayu used 115g)
    6 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped-(Ayu used 180g)
    1/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder-(25g)
    3 large eggs
    1 cup sugar-(225g- Ayu used 90-100g)
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup flour-(110g)
    optional: 1 cup toasted pecans or walnuts, coarsely chopped-(Ayu didnt put this)
    1 cup Dulce de Leche-(Ayu used 1 can dulce de leche)-or up to taste

    Cooking Directions:
    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.(170c)
    Line a 8-inch square baking dish with a sheet aluminum foil that covers the bottom up over the sides. If it doesn’t reach all the way up and over all four sides, cross another sheet of foil over it, making a large cross with edges that overhang the sides. Spray the bottom and sides of the foil with cooking spray.
    In a saucepan melt butter, add the semi-sweet chocolate, stirring constantly over very low heat until the chocolate is melted. Remove from heat and whisk(Ayu used electric hand mixer) in the cocoa powder until smooth. Add in eggs one at a time, then stir in the sugar, vanilla, then the flour and nuts if using.

    Pour half of the batter into baking dish. Spoon one-third of the Dulce de Leche, over the brownie batter evenly in dollops, then drag a knife or spatula through and swirl. Pour the remaining brownie batter over, then spoon the remaining Dulce de Leche in dollops over the top of the brownie batter. Use a knife or spatula to swirl the Dulce de Leche creating a marbled effect.

    Bake for 35 to 45 minutes. The brownies center will be slightly firm when they are done. Remove from the oven and allow cool completely.

    red velvet cake

    original recipe:


    12/3 cup self raising flour
    2 tbsp cocoa powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    110g butter-( used 125g
    )1 cup fine sugar- (can used 3/4 cup)

    2 large eggs
    1/2 cup milk
    1/4 cup buttermilk-(to made it:1/2 cup milk + 1/2 tbsp distilled vinegar- leave it for while abt 15-20 minutes-but used only 1/4 cup)

    1 tsp vinegar
    1/2 bottle liquid red colour or 1 tsp red gel
    Cream butter & sugar till creamy. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla essence. Mix in dry ingredients(sifted) & milk plus buttermilk in alternate batches, ending with dry ingredients. Lastly stir in vinegar.Bake in a preheat oven at 170C for 30-40 minutes or just cooked
    Cream Cheese Frosting
    250g Philadelphia cheese
    125g butter
    1 cup icing sugar-(used 1/4 cup)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    juice of a squeezed slice of lemon-(used 1 lime juice)
    Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice

    Chocolate Ganache
    200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-(used whippping cream)
    250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
    a pinch of salt
    In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
    Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top

    Buttercream Frosting:-
    125g unsalted butter
    75g shortening-(used 1/2 shortening 1/2 krimwell)
    100g confectioner's sugar
    1 tsp pure vanilla extract
    1-2 tbsp cocoa powder-(up to preference for darkness- not too much if dont want bitter)
    Beat all the above except cocoa powder till smooth . Add cocoa powder and mix well. ready for piping.