Sunday, May 1, 2011

tiramisu part 2

part 1 i posted on oct 2010.this is another recipe for tiramisu that you could try.

lady finger
coffee powder dissolve in a 1/2 cup of water
250g mascarpone cheese
ground/chopped hazelnut
powder sugar
cocoa powder
4 eggs yolks
vanilla extract
whipping cream (whisk until fluffy)

1-bring water to boil and place the eggs yolks into a bowl to simmer. add powder sugar into it.stir continuously until the eggs become a liquid and thick.
2-meanwhile in other bowl,whisk the cheese and pour the eggs mixture into the cheese.add the vanilla extract and the whipping cream.set a side.
3-dunk the lady finger into the coffee mixture and place in the prepare tin or serving glass(if you want to make a individuals portion)
4-pour the cheese mixture on top of the lady finger.repeat this method to the remaining lady finger and cheese that u have.
5-for decoration: - mix the hazelnut and cocoa powder together with powder sugar and dust on top of the in a fridge for at least 2hours before serving to make sure it set.

happy cooking!

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